2 days ago : BLACK DAY !

Black Day (April 14) is a South Korean informal tradition for single people to get together and eat jajangmyeon (noodles with black bean sauce), sometimes a white sauce is mixed for those who did not celebrate WhiteDay.
The idea is that those who did not give or receive gifts on Valentine's Day (February 14) or White Day (March 14) can get together and eat jajangmyeon (자장면), white Korean noodles with black bean sauce (hence the name), to celebrate their singledom.
          source : wikipedia

PS : Waktu blackday gue ada disekolah lagi ujian praktek . baru dikasih tau ama temen pas udah mau pulang sekolah sebenernya uda tau sih gue tapi lupa . wkwk . gue sama ke - 3 temen gue yang laen yang salah satunya uda gak single lagi tapi ikutan , dikelas nyanyi nyanyi gak jelas pokoknya biar hati tetep seneng deh walau masih single.IM SINGLE IM VERY HAPPY

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