If i could freezed the moment

Heyhoo ! abis pulang gereja mau berkata - kata dulu ahhPhotobucket , mumpung habis dapet inspirasi karena sesuatu milkysmile ( okay emoticon nya agak lebay tapi males buat ngubek - ngubek emoticons yaa yang penting nyerempet lah dengan mood haha ) 
okay this is it :

it's a moment
when the first time
i feel something real different
seeing something special in your eyes
but i don't know , what i just feel at the first time we looked at each other

it's not happens for once of course
to seeing your appearance , staring at you while you are in serious face
even i just can see you from a far distance
but it doesn't make any matter

till now i just don't know yet
what a smile of you was worth
but just from your eyes
words are not needed anymore for me

it's maybe a kind of weird for the world
because we aren't know each other yet

but ...

every moment we are looking at each other
i always make a wish , a hope , and pray to God
so that the time can be stopped the moment

the moment that i want always to repeat everyday

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